Law & Policy

  1. Koby Mandell Act of 2001 — HR2098 IH
  2. Hypothetical Cases for High School Students re: Jewish Law & Ethics
  3. April 2000 Testimony of Rabbi J David Bleich Before the Senate Judiciary Commitee re: H.R.2260, The Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000.
  4. Jewish Law and American Public Policy: A Principled Jewish Law View & Some Practical Jewish Observations
    by Rabbi Michael Broyde, Esq.
  5. Orthodox Union’s Position re: Stem Cell Research
  6. The Legal Arm of Observant Jewry
    By COLPA: National Jewish Commission On Law And Public Affairs
  7. Statement to the United States Commission on Civil Rights:
    By The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America; Institute for Public Affairs on Religion and the Schools
  8. Religious Accomodation in the Workplace: Your Rights and Obligations
    By The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America; Institute for Public Affairs
  9. Hearing Before The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on S.1248, The Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1998

    Testimony of Rabbi David Zwiebel, Director of Government Affairs and General Counsel, Agudath Israel of America
  10. Hearing Before the New York City Council General Welfare Committee on Intro. 303, The “Domestic Partnership” Bill
    Testimony of Morton M. Avigdor, Associate General Counsel, Agudath Israel of America
  11. Aleph Institute’s Center for Halacha and American Law – Questions And Answers Series: Nephew In Trouble
    By Isaac M. Jaroslawicz, Esq., Director of Legal Affairs
  12. Aleph Institute’s Center for Halacha and American Law – Questions And Answers Series: Law Of The Land
    By Isaac M. Jaroslawicz, Esq., Director of Legal Affairs
  13. Agudath Israel of America 3/8/99 Memorandum to the Honorable Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, New York City, RE: Constitutionality of Proposed Voucher Plan
    By David Zweibel, Esq., Executive Vice President for Government and Public Affairs, Agudath Israel of America
  14. Testimony by Nathan J. Diament in Support of Greater Protection for Religious Liberty in America
    By Nathan J. Diament, Director, Institute for Public Affairs – Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
  15. Agudath Israel of America National Public Policy Position Paper
  16. Aleph Institute’s Center for Halacha and American Law – Questions And Answers Series: Crimes for the “Sake of the Community”
    By Isaac M. Jaroslawicz, Esq., Director of Legal Affairs
  17. A Model Course in Jewish Business Ethics
    By Rabbi Aaron Tendler, Ma’alot Seminary, Baltimore, MD
  18. The Center for Halacha and American Law: Overview of Activities and Plans for the Future
  19. Jews, Public Policy and Civil Rights: A Religious Jewish Perspective
    by Rabbi Michael Broyde, Esq.