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LeBlanc-Sternberg v. Fletcher 143 F.3d 748 (2d Cir. 1998), Docket No. 96-6287. Decided May 13, 1998. Opinion by J. Kearse. Plaintiffs entitled to attorneys’ fees and costs in an action under 42 U.S.C. งง 1983,…

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Harris v. New York State Athletic Commission 392 NYS2d 70, 56 AD2d 835 (2 Dept, 1977) Where athletic commission’s refusal to allow boxer to wear yarmulke was out of safety concerns, no constitutional rights were…

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Smilow v. U.S. 465 F.2d 802 (2nd Cir. 1972) Witness’ claim that if he testified he would suffer “divine punishment and ostracism from the Jewish community as an informer” was outweighed by needs of the…

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Otero v. N.Y.C. Housing Authority 354 F. Supp. 941 ( 1973) First Amendment does not protect citizen’s right to live near synagogue.

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Tax Issues

Cody, Inc. v. Town Of Woodbury 8 F. Supp. 2d 340 (S.D.N.Y. 1998), 97 Civ. 8615 (CLB). Dated June 10, 1998. Opinion by J. Charles L. Brieant. Jewish plaintiffs denied tax exemption for property claimed…

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Mayer v. Temple Beth El 23 NYS 1013 (Com.Pl. 1893) If synagogue is sold and new one is built with the proceeds, pew-holders are entitled to corresponding seats in new synagogue. If synagogue is destroyed…

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Brown v. Hartford Life 593 So. 2d 1376 (1992) Death not a suicide because deceased was an Orthodox Jew; Rabbi testified he would not have officiated at funeral if he thought it had been suicide.

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United States v. Sprei 145 F.3d 528 (2d Cir. 1998), Docket No. 97-1206. Dated May 28, 1998. Opinion by J. Oakes. Sentencing; a downward departure in sentencing based on a determination that a long period…

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State v. James 237 Conn. 390, 678 A. 2d 1338 (Conn. 1996) Quoting Maimonides Mishne Torah: No man may incriminate himself.

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Schnapp v. Lefkowitz 422 NYS2d 798, 101 Misc2d 1075 (S.Ct. N.Y. County, 1979) “Pooper Scooper Law” does not violate religious freedom despite fact that Orthodox Jews may not pick up litter on Sabbath. In Re:…